Monday, September 14, 2009

Is It Easy Investing Green?

It seems climate change is all set to transform the global economy in the coming years. It has already made way for the growth of environmental technology sectors which are providing long term investment opportunities to global investors. Entrepreneurial investors are busy cashing in by investments in large public companies with go green initiatives. Biofuels, smart grid, wind and solar are the hottest sectors for green investment right now. Even though companies in these sectors are at an early stage with fewer products in the market, major companies and banks are investing in them.

But will the green buzz benefit sectors other than renewable energy? Yes. Valuable contributions are also coming from sectors like pollution and waste control, water infrastructure and energy efficiency. These companies are addressing the gravity of global warming along with wider interrelated environmental threats. Triodos, a bank into ethical investments recently launched its green investments fund. The management plans to get more funding by inviting applications from clean tech firms that are concerned about commercializing their products and services. The investment is expected to be between 1.5-5 million pounds.

The UN Environment Agency has also stated that an investment of 750 billion dollars will create a “Green New Deal” and this will support the revival of the world economy. Opportunities posed by the green market at the moment should not be lost. A lot many entrepreneurs are showing their commitment towards the global environment; however they still need to make some business out of it.

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