Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sustainable Investment Green Investment

Growing worldwide support for sustainable finance is encouraging investors to focus on companies that regard environment as a key stakeholder. Impax Asset Management, a firm into environmental finance, is set to launch an Asian Environmental Markets investment trust. This fund will be offering long term capital growth to investors from environmental stocks in Asia Pacific regions. The main aim is to tap undervalued and exciting companies in these regions that fulfill the demands of international as well as environmental markets.

In an attempt to support the ‘go green’ initiatives, China will be spending approximately 600 billion dollars on a fiscal stimulus package. Under 2% of China’s GDP, 140 billion dollars will be directed towards green investments. The United States is expected to use 1% of stimulus funds for restoration of the environment. South Korea will be investing approximately 40 billion dollars for its Green New Deal that aims to generate a million new jobs.

If experts are to be believed, sustainable investment can boost the anti-recession efforts made by countries all over the world. Previously, major investment took place in IT companies, but now the world is waking up to issues concerning the environment. A share of these investments is now being taken by green companies. Such companies can be ideal for long term investments and they can also help you extend your support to the cause of environment conservation.

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